Based in Los Angeles, California. Since 2018.


LA KNIT operates in Los Angeles, California. There are numerous fabric production companies in the world. It is LA KNIT that started knowing the need for fabric production in the United States. This is because local production can be the best choice to cope with it in the rapidly changing fashion industry. A variety of yarns, high-level knitting techniques, and dyeing functions made up of professional technicians are comparable to anywhere. We’re competitive with fast delivery and high quality. Want to start a clothing line with low quantities? We help to build your clothing lines! design consultation, pattern make We design apparel production packages to suit small businesses, startups and newcomers in the apparel manufacturing industry

LA Knit sets itself apart through its expertise in both manufacturing and distribution, a hands-on ownership approach to its business, and a consultant sales style. Quality, competitively priced

Most LA Knit fabric is produced in the USA with imported yarn form Asia or Mexico. This allows to customer has  flexibility in both manufacturing specifications and colors. This flexibility is important to many customers, since it can mean the difference between setting a trend and chasing one.